Grocer store, Flower stall, Toilets, Shower, Florist bench, Chess, Bookcase, Telescope, Apple Trees, Lemon Trees, Orange Trees, Greenhouse, Swings and Solar panels.
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Grocer store, Flower stall, Toilets, Shower, Florist bench, Chess, Bookcase, Telescope, Apple Trees, Lemon Trees, Orange Trees, Greenhouse, Swings and Solar panels.
Total cost: 91,585 – Fully furnished.
3x Bedrooms, 1x Bathroom, Lounge room, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Chess, Fruit Trees, Veggie Garden and Solar panels.
4x Unfurnished Apartments – 3,151 – 3,214 P/W rent.
Each with 2x Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Medium Lounge, Spare room (at top of stairs), Sunroom, Garage, Large Balcony and Solar Panels.
I have all EP’s and M&G.
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Total cost: 378,063 – Fully furnished.
5x Large Bedrooms, 6x Bathrooms, Lounge area, Reading area, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Piano, Darts, Florist Bench, Toy Bench, Mechanical Bench, Ballet Bar, Chess, Pool Table, Pool, BBQ area, Playground, Easels, Telescopes, Fish Tank, Solar panels and space for 2 Cars.
Total cost: 76,188 – Fully furnished.
2x Bedrooms, 1x Bathroom, Lounge room, Kitchen/Dining room, Easel, Chess, Pool, Solar panels, Fruit Trees and a Veggie Garden.