2 Beach Road

Total cost: 144,842 – Fully Furnished.
Total cost: 76,066 – Unfurnished
Obviously the cost can be reduced by removing outdoor plants, lights that are hidden inside the plants and other items included on this lot.
3x Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms, Kitchen/Dining, Lounge room, Outdoor Shower, Playground Equipment, Soccer, Bonfire, Telescope, Easel, Spa, BBQ area, Florist Bench, Robot Bench, Toy Bench, Pottery Table, Driveway, Garage and Solar Panels.
2 Beach Road 1

Furniture showing in these images are for the Fully Furnished version.
I have all EP’s installed and M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.
Download the Fully Furnished version Here!
Download the Unfurnished version Here!

2 Beach Road by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)

Hilcrest Apartments

4x Unfurnished Apartments – 3,151 – 3,214 P/W rent.
Each with 2x Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Medium Lounge, Spare room (at top of stairs), Sunroom, Garage, Large Balcony and Solar Panels.
Hilcrest Apartments 1

Furnishings in the images are for example of possible layout only

I have all EP’s and M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.
Download Here!

Hilcrest Apartments by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)

23 Calipip Road

Total cost: 258,894 – Fully furnished.
4x Large Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms, Lounge room, Reading room, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Laundry room, Pond, Pool, BBQ area, Pet room, Garden shed, Solar Panels, Basketball Ring, Fish Tank, Telescope, Fruit Trees and Large Garage with Tinker car, Train set, Florist Bench, Mechanical Bench and Easels.
23 Calipip Road 1

I have all EP’s installed and M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.
Download Here!

23 Calipip Road by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)

Banksia House

Total cost: 144,606 – Fully furnished.
3x Bedrooms, 2x with own Ensuite and Main with own Bathroom and Walk-in Robes, Plus 2.5 Bathrooms, Study, Kitchen/Dining room, Large lounge room, Utilities room, Large carport/Garage, Solar panels and BBQ area.Calipip Sims Banksia House 1

I have all EP’s and SP’s up to and including M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.

Download here!

Banksia House by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)