23 Calipip Road

Total cost: 258,894 – Fully furnished.
4x Large Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms, Lounge room, Reading room, Large Kitchen/Dining room, Laundry room, Pond, Pool, BBQ area, Pet room, Garden shed, Solar Panels, Basketball Ring, Fish Tank, Telescope, Fruit Trees and Large Garage with Tinker car, Train set, Florist Bench, Mechanical Bench and Easels.
23 Calipip Road 1

I have all EP’s installed and M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.
Download Here!

23 Calipip Road by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)

Student Apartments

6x Apartments – 771 to 893 Rent per week.
Each has its with own Toilet, Shower, Desk, Bookcase and a Kitchenette.
Common area includes: Spa, Bubble Blower, BBQ, Snack machines, Kitchen/Dining, Music room, TV and Entertainment area, Study Room, Exercise Bikes, Easels and Telescopes.Student Apartments 1

These are furnished apartments but to be able to rent them furnished you’ll need to use a mod which can be found at Mod The Sims called Enable “Rent Furnished Apartment”

I have all EP’s and M&G.
Does not contain CC or Hacks.
Download Here!

Student Apartments by Calipip4 (Lisa Pham)