Everything you need to know about Calipip Sims

All of my creations are free and must always remain free. So, feel free to download whatever you want, but please do not claim my creations as your own OR post any of my creations on ANY Paysites or the Exchange.

You will mainly find LOTS here (Houses, Apartments, etc), but you’ll also find some recoloured Wall Pictures, Rugs and Furniture. Sadly I don’t have a lot of time to do those, so you won’t find many posted. 🙁

The Rug, Furniture and Picture recolours just need to be unzipped and the package files get put in your downloads folder.

Due to time constraints I’ll only be adding one building or a recolour per week, but depending on what time I have for gaming, it might be more, so here’s hoping. 🙂

I’ll also add to the Custom Paintings images you can download too when I have time to collect more and upload them. Some sets are already up and I’ll be working on more as time permits.

A Great Tip: You can use the tags (which are at the bottom of each of my posts) for easy searching for what you want. 😀

Note: All Downloads are Maxis Content or Maxis Meshes recoloured by me.There are NO Hacks, Mods or Non Maxis Mesh Content here. The only thing you may be required to do is download and install CEP (Color Enable Package) from Mod the Sims for the recolours to work in-game (rug and picture recolours). Everything else can just be added like normal, but please make sure you have the Sims Packs noted on the individual pages.

If you need to contact me for any reason, you either send me an email (button below), leave me a message on my Calipip Sims Facebook Page if you have a Facebook account or on my Calipip Sims Twitter or on my Calipip-Sims Tumblr account.

Alternatively, I can be found at Reclaim Your Game

Also, if you’d like to link to this site, I have a share button (below) if you want to use it.
Calipip Sims Share ButtonHere’s a Smaller Version..

Enjoy! 😀

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